Sunday, February 21, 2010

If i beat on the side of my TV,will the station come in clearer?

Yes and if you shake the remote, it too will work regardless of whether it needs new batteries.If i beat on the side of my TV,will the station come in clearer?
that..or a swift kick usually does the trick...If i beat on the side of my TV,will the station come in clearer?
If it does you must have something loose. Have you seen that commercial, an Asian man has a knock of some sort in his car so he bangs on the dash, the knock stops and he smiles, and then two or three seconds later the whole car collapses, I cracked up the first time that I saw that. Well maybe this could happen to your TV, you could really mess things up, knock a wire loose etc.
Only if you use your head.
no not really - maybe for a few seconds but reality is the computer components inside will be getting loser every time you wack it
Dude, you so should bust out the .44 and just put a bullet in the POS and then go get a new one
Actually,u become pregnant if u beat on your tv.
maybe try it!
maybe, why doncha give it a try lol
Modern TVs have built-in obsolescence. Why not smash it instead. I think you'll enjoy it.

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