Friday, February 19, 2010

The AM stations in on my car radio come in clear, but my FM stations do not. What is the problem?

Here's what's going on: the radio in your car has a built-in AM antenna. It seems to be working properly. However, the FM antenna, aka that wire sticking out of either your hood or trunk, is what brings in the FM stations, and does not appear to be connected to your radio. If you're brave enough to try getting your radio out yourself, all you will have to do is take it out and plug in the antenna (which has probably just slipped out of the back of your radio). otherwise, take your car to someplace that sells car radios (i.e. Best Buy or a similar store) and tell them the problem.The AM stations in on my car radio come in clear, but my FM stations do not. What is the problem?
Perhaps the FM antenna has come loose from the back. The AM antenna is actually inside the radio.The AM stations in on my car radio come in clear, but my FM stations do not. What is the problem?
Your antennae is not working. The AM stations really don't work through your car antennae, just the FM.
Well it easy to see that of the three answers ahead of mine that each of these people have no idea about what they are talking.

In a car stereo with AM and FM both radios (notice I said BOTH radios) use the external antenna on the can be it on a fender or in the windshield!

ALL AM - FM radios are (2) TWO radios in the same case using a common power supply and a common amplifier, BUT with SEPARATE tuning systems, (1) ONE for AM Frequency range of 550 to 1600 KHz, and (1) ONE for FM Frequency range of 88 - 108 MHz.

If the AM sounds normal then it is working correctly and it is the simplest of the 2 receivers usually consisting of 3 - 4 transistors or one IC.

If the FM sounds weak or distorted then I would suspect that one of 2 thinks has happened, A the RF amplifier stage for the FM has gone bad (AM doesn't have this) or B one of the FM IF (INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY AMPLIFIERS) has gotten detuned or the transistor is going bad, { AM has these also and sometimes they are partly shared }

but in most cases it is the FM RF amp stage that has gone bad.

ALSO sometimes the ant connector will pull part way out of the radio and this will affect FM more than AM but not likely

BUT UNDER NO CONDITION IS THE AM RADIO ANTENNA CONTAINED INSIDE THE RADIO IN A car stereo, they are not the same as a pocket or HOME RADIO and never will be!

If it is not the ant plug, then if you are able you could pull the radio and take it to a repair shop, as there are no ';USER SERVICEABLE ITEMS IN THE RADIO'; unless it is a antique tube type!

ALSO sometimes the antenna cable itself will go bad, you can tell if this is the case by unplugging the ant from the radio and inserting a piece of wire in to the center hole in the antenna connection, if the am and FM are then both good just replace the antena.

It really depends on the make, model and year of your vehicle. The AM band is weaker and in a working radio will always get worse reception than the FM band. If your AM is okay and you have no FM, than you have a defective radio. Alot of Chrysler radios and older GM radios will have the FM front end go bad inside the radio.

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