Sunday, February 21, 2010

If most fm radio stations come in crystal clear and most am do not, why aren't allstations fm?

AM Radio waves go much further than FM radio waves. I can't remember the exact reason why, but i know that they do. Try using AM radio at works much better than it usually does in the day or while its cloudy/raining.If most fm radio stations come in crystal clear and most am do not, why aren't allstations fm?
FM is short wave

AM/MW Is medium wave

LW is long wave

it all works on distancesIf most fm radio stations come in crystal clear and most am do not, why aren't allstations fm?
AM radio gets much better distance. It has something to do with the fact that for AM the amplitude is getting modulated as opposed to the frequency, hence the names AM and FM.
FM stations are more expensive from an equipment standpoint. Also there are many talk radio stations that use AM instead of FM. When you are using talk radio as a format, you don't need to rely on stereo that music stations on the FM band must have.

Hope this helps!

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